CalibFruit - electronic sizing machine

  • From 200 to 2500 kg/h
  • From 5 to 16 exits
  • Compact - small footprint
  • Exit on 3 sides possible - could be along a wall too
  • Strong and reliable PLC command
  • The best performance / price ratio

Méthode de classification:


Compact and multipurpose grading machine with high weighing rates

Calibreuse Calibfruit 5m50 - Abricot

Calibfruit 5m50 - Abricot
Calibfruit 5m50 grading machine - Apricot

Electronic weighing and multipurpose grading machine for fragile fruits (apples, pears, tomatoes, kiwis, apricots, etc.), machine with small space requirement, from 5 to 16 exits, possibility of exit on 3 sides, output directly into brushes, on table or rotary, computer management...Calibfruit, designed to be run by very few people (1 person in enough), fits well the needs of small growers, like family businesses. Actually, Calibfruit is optimized to maximize the reception area of fruits for packing compared to the total space requirement of the machine.- Patented machine - Awarded at SIVAL 2006 -

Product line

Model Reception length available Speed Exits

Machine length: +/- 2 meters

4m Fixed at 3 cups / second* 5 exits +1

Machine length: +/- 3 meters

5m Variable from 3 à 10 cups / second* From 5 to 16. Movable at anytime.

Machine length: +/- 4 meters

8m Variable from 3 à 10 cups / second* From 5 to 16. Movable at anytime.

Machine length: +/- 5m50 meters

10m Variable from 3 à 10 cups / second* From 5 to 16. Movable at anytime.

* depending on the kind of fruit and the chosen cup

Various fruits

Fruits and vegetables are of great variety, we have developed a range of different cups which is mainly based on the product worked. You choose your cup size according to your dominant product in order to obtain optimum productivity. As it is multipurpose, you can also use it under the same conditions of smoothness and precision for your other products.They allow to work: apricots, avocados, cauliflowers, lemons, clementines, kiwis, tangerines, mangoes, melons, oranges, pomelos, apples, plums, peaches, tomatoes, ... and even pears. In addition, a special cup was designed for very long products such as eggplant, courgette, ...The cups are auto-locked with a side opening.

Plusieurs coupelles de différentes tailles pour vos produits.

Cups with different sizes ans shapes to fit well to your products. All thoses cups are also multipurpose.

Technical characteristics


The possibilities are numerous. Besides the grading, the controller allows the pre-weighing (to get a target weight alternately on one output, then switch to the next). The same grade can be sent to multiple exits. Conversely, the same exit can receive several grades.

Pupitre de contrôle de la calibreuse. Vue dégagée de l'espace de travail.

Pupitre de controle
Control of the operations. Unobstructed view of the workspace.

Weighing electronics with Touch Screen PLC

Automate programmable couleur

Automate programmable couleur
Color Touch Screen PLC

The electronics allows a precise weighing, adjustable to the gram. Ability to store numerous programs of weighing, for example according to the variety. Very friendly color programmable machine. Statistics of production.In addition to being of a strong conception, thanks to the remote maintenance function (connection to the controller by a simple phone line - optional) it will be possible to us to make a diagnosis of your problem very quickly.


Transfert par basculement sans hauteur de chute

Transfert par basculement sans hauteur de chute
Soft cup. Tipping transfer without a drop height

En option, possibilité de sortir dans des brosses motorisées.

En option, possibilité de sortir dans des brosses motorisées.
In option, possibility to exit in powered brushes.

Speed rate / productivity

Speed rate depending of the kind of product is between 3 and 10 cups / seconds* adjustable by electronic speed variator (excepted the Calibfruit 2m).

Engine / drive

Engine with incorporated torque limiter.Controlled speed by electronic speed variator.Main chain made of high-strength steel.


Feeding by conveyor with classical belt or with alignment belt in 'V' shape.


Frame made of painted steel. Possibility of a stainless steel frame if required. Hight adjustment by telescopic legs.

Typical Installations

Calibreuse Calibfruit 3m - Pomme - contre un mur

Calibfruit 3m - Pomme
Grading machine Calibfruit 3m - Apple - Along a wall

Calibreuse Calibfruit 4m - Abricot - contre un mur

Calibfruit 4m - Abricot - contre un mur
Grading machine Calibfruit 4m - Apricot - along a wall

Calibreuse Calibfruit 4m - Tomate

Calibfruit 4m - tomate
Grading machine Calibfruit 4m - Tomato

Calibreuse Calibfruit 5m50 - Pomme

Calibfruit 5m50 - Pomme
Grading machine Calibfruit 5m50 - Apple

Calibreuse Calibfruit 2m - Pêche

Calibfruit 2m - Pêche
Grading machine Calibfruit 2m - Peach

Calibreuse Calibfruit 4m - Pomme

Calibfruit 4m - Pomme
Grading machine Calibfruit 4m - Apple

Calibreuse Calibfruit 4m - Cucurbitacée - Courge - Gourde

Calibfruit 4m
Grading machine Calibfruit 4m - Cucurbit - Squash - Gourd

Calibreuse CalibFruit 5m50 - Aubergine

Calibreuse CalibFruit 5m - Aubergine
Grading machine Calibfruit 5m50 - Eggplant